Saturday, September 18, 2010

Denver Nuggets

At work, Matt was looking into his work getting suite tickets for the company to use. He was in contact with the Pepsi Center working out details with this. This was occuring during basketball season. Then right during the playoffs when Denver was playing the Utah Jazz, she contacted Matt and said she had some suite tickets, and asked if he wanted them. Therefore we got to go to a game, and invite some friends to go with us. I was excited that we were able to pull enough people together since we got the tickets the same day as the game.

The game was late, and I was very tired.
Matt and I with Libby, our friends little girl. She is awesome. I also found out that the suite is a great place for children because their is an open space for them to walk around, not that Libby needed that.

1 comment:

Momma Salt said...

I love the sleepy picture of you and Matthew. Sweet!!