Sunday, January 13, 2008

2007 Year In Review

This is the time of year that we all get to take a look at our lives and realize how much we have to be and let our friends and family know what has been going on in our lives. Debbie & I aren't much of the mailing kind of people (or apparently the on time kind of people either), but we wanted to let you all know what's been going on in our lives.

Matthew spent this year working for AXA Advisors as a Financial Planner in their Salt Lake City office. He enjoyed the work and the people that he was able to work with, but it has always been our goal to live outside of the state of Utah. This being the case, he put his agent (Debbie) on the situation. She spent the late summer applying for close to a hundred jobs for Matt and he spent September interviewing with numerous companies. In the end, we decided to take a job with Northrop Grumman in Aurora, CO. He will be working in the finance department helping to keep the projects within the budget restrictions. He is very excited about this new position and new opportunity.

Debbie has finally finished school at Provo College in November. (Please remember that friends don't let friends go to Provo College!!) She is now eligible to take her national board exams, and upon passing this exam can work as an RN. It was an extremely difficult time for her and for us. The program was designed as a 14 month program, but it took closer to 20 months to actually finish, so we're extremely excited to be finished and free to move on to other opportunities. And now that she is done with school, Debbie is in high demand. She spent the last year working in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit at Utah Valley Medical Center.

The Salt's have had an exciting year outside of work and school.

In February, to celebrate a break in Debbie's schooling & for Matt to do some work, we took a trip to AZ. Matthew has a sister in Tucson and Debbie had a sister in Tucson and Phoenix at the time. It was great to be out of the snow and into the beautiful weather. Matt played golf while Debbie played with the 2 nieces and nephew.

In July we took a trip to Denver (unknowing that it would be our future home) to visit one of Debbie's sisters and to be there for a nephew's baptism.

Later in July, we were able to take a trip to Washington DC with Debbie's sister, Sharon, and her husband, Spencer. It was a wonderful experience, and Matthew in particular loved being in such a beautiful and historic city. It worked out well because the boys enjoyed spending hours in the museum while the girls speed through and spent time visiting and urging their husbands to hurry up.

Later in the summer, we went to visit Matt's grandparents in Bandon, OR. Matt's parents rented a house about a 3 minute walk from the beach. It was a great time to visit with Matt's grandparents, relax near the ocean and to see all of the Salt family.

Well the time has come for us to pack our bags (and all our other stuff) and head out to our new home to be. We thought that some of you might be interested in having our new mailing address, so here it is:

We're very excited to start this new adventure in our lives and hope to hear from you all from time to time to let us know what your up to and where your lives have taken you. And if you're ever in the area, let us know so we can get together.

~ Matthew & Debbie

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